Basic Python concepts


Many programming languages use brackets to define blocks of code, but the Python interpreter uses indentation to define blocks of code. Therefore, developers must be very careful about whitespace in their code base, which can disrupt the logic of an application.

The Python programming language does not use a semicolon to end a line. A new line of code is sufficient to define new code syntax.

Python uses variables to store data, such as string, number, and other information for manipulation.

Operators are used in values or variables to perform certain logical and mathematical operations.

Python Framework.
Python is also extremely in demand in various industries.

For example, database, machine learning, databases, design, data analysis, web page reading/testing, application development using Python language. Therefore, a huge number of libraries have been developed for this language. This platform is mainly used for data analysis, DevOps tasks and web development.

If you choose Python in web development, you come across many Python frameworks that allow developers to get more with less coding.

Here are some of these frameworks:

Django: It’s ranked first because it’s a powerful open-source Python platform. This technology is effective for developing complex data-driven sites. This platform is advanced and has many mature attributes that include templates, libraries, and APIs that support the development of scalable web development in python projects.

Turbo gears: This is the best platform for web application development. It includes elements of the web server gateway interface, includes SQL Alchemy, Webob, Repoze, and more. Like Ruby on Rails, TurbpoGears works well with the MVC architecture, which supports fast web application development using Python.

Numpy: Numpy numeric python is a library that helps you perform logical and scientific operations on arrays. The library works with multidimensional arrays of objects. It also consists of several collections of procedures used to handle arrays.

Panda: This is an authorized BSZ open-source Python library that provides Python developers with many easy-to-use data structures as well as tools for data analysis. These technologies are mainly used in commercial and academic fields, but also in analytics, finance, economics, statistics, etc.

Jones Kenneth

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